Trudy, Ella, Opan & Crunchie

Trudy, Ella, Opan & Crunchie

The Surprise One! I thought it would be nice to share some of the stories behind my shoots, so here’s my first one. It features the beautiful Opan and Ard Crunchie. This was a black background session, to create a birthday gift to remember for Ella.  When I...
Getting to know: Dressage Anywhere

Getting to know: Dressage Anywhere

The end of November is approaching, and with that my sponsorship of the Novice Championship class with Dressage Anywhere. I thought it would be a great time to find out a bit more about this fabulous online dressage competition platform, so Ruth and I had a little...
Gemma & Nixon

Gemma & Nixon

Earlier this year, Rio and I had our turn in front of the lens (you can read about that here) – and in return I visited Gemma and Nixon out at Saxmundham to photograph them together. It was an ideal collaboration between us as photographers, because I’d never stopped...
Alysia & Skittle, Suffolk

Alysia & Skittle, Suffolk

Toward the end of 2017 I ran a limited promotion for an Awesome Autumn shoot, and Alysia was one of the lovely ladies who contacted me to take part in helping me test out a new part of my customer experience. Unfortunately Skittle came up lame shortly after we started...
Stubble Trouble – Sarah & Millie

Stubble Trouble – Sarah & Millie

A couple of weekends ago we finally got to make this shoot happen. It had been on the cards for a while, but what with a whole lot of life getting in the way, and then Millie chipping a bone in her ankle (amazingly non-horse riding related!) it just hadn’t quite...