The silver lining

The silver lining

Finding the silver lining How’s your week been? It’s a bit of a crazy world out there at the moment, but I’ve found a lot of comfort in how much most of society has pulled together. It’s great to see that we do still have the sense of community...
The tale of Tails to Treasure

The tale of Tails to Treasure

The back story Last year I made the exciting launch of my own horse hair keepsake product Tails to Treasure. I thought I’d share the story of how it came about – the tale of an uphill battle that I lost to save my heart horse Rio. Tails to Treasure –...

Inspire me: Pass it Forward

I have been listening a lot to Radio 1 travelling to and from photoshoots and events. There’s a lot of talk lately about their Teen Awards 2018, which will be taking place in October, and it got me thinking. There are so many people out there in our everyday lives who...

Boxted – Introduction to Jumping Clinic

Sunday afternoon I headed over to Boxted, to capture some of the jumping action on Anne’s clinic. Wendy kindly hosted the event, with some scrummy lemon cake provided by Debs who was taking part! It’s all a bit of a family at these events – if...

Hedge hoppers

Let me set the scene.  It’s a brisk but bright Sunday morning. You’re looking out over your beautiful rolling hills, complete with well kept hedgerows, having a cuppa after you’ve turned out your horses for the day. The breeze is chilly as the first...